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Conact our Friendly Staff at Clínica Privé

Clínica Privé offers a complete and comprehensive range of the latest, highly sophisticated, non-surgical treatments in our state-of-the-art facility in Portimão - ALGARVE.

Privé MEDSPA Mesotherapy for Weight Loss

Mesotherapy for Weight Loss at Perfect Style ClinicMesotherapy Helps the Battle for Weight Loss.

The battle for weight loss is a lifelong struggle for many of us. Even when a person has achieved a significant weight loss, unsightly cellulite often remains. Unfortunately cellulite is completely unrelated to weight loss and its presence is largely due to genetics. It is pretty rare for any adult woman not to have a little cellulite somewhere. It appears in the subcutaneous level of the skin and can be caused by weak or slow circulation, hormonal imbalance, lymphatic congestion, or a weakening of connective tissues from age.

So the question everyone is asking is, “How do I get rid of this nasty cellulite?”

The answer is Mesotherapy, a new non-invasive treatment proven to eliminate or diminish the appearance of cellulite and reverse the effects of time and aging off your body. It is a miraculous procedure that will greatly improve the tone and texture of your skin and reduce unsightly wrinkles.

Mesotherapy is designed to change the biology of the fat cell by shielding the body from accumulating new fat and simultaneously releasing stored fat. Your most troublesome areas can be attacked, and results can be outstanding when combined with a conventional nutrition plan.

It is truly surprising how simple mesotherapy is. A microinjection of various vitamins, minerals, enzymes, plant extracts, anesthetics, medications and amino acids is administered to the problem area, just under the surface of the skin. Depending on the needs of the client, the makeup of the solution varies. However, the individual nature of this procedure allows for a greater level of safety when issues such as drug interactions and allergies exist.



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