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  PERFECT SMILE Clínica Dentária Contact ou Friendly Staff at PERFECT SMILE Dental Clinic Clínica Privé - Dental and Non-ivasive Esthetics Clinic



Conact our Friendly Staff at Clínica Privé

Clínica Privé offers a complete and comprehensive range of the latest, highly sophisticated, non-surgical treatments in our state-of-the-art facility in Portimão - ALGARVE.

Privé MEDSPA Glabellar Scowl Lines

Scowl lines are an area of concern for many individuals.  These lines, technically called glabellar lines, extend vertically above the nose, between the eyebrows.  They can look like a number ‘11’ is etched into the face.  In some individuals, they become pronounced, forming deep folds or furrows.  Glabellar lines can contribute to an angry or scowling appearance.  The lines are caused primarily by exaggerated scowling, squinting or pensive movement of the eyebrows and forehead.

Glabela Wrinkles

Glabellar lines are treated by most doctors with BOTOX®.  Treatments with BOTOX® in this area typically require around five quick injections with a very fine needle.  As with other BOTOX® procedures, if the treatments are maintained regularly, many patients will require smaller amounts over time. 

Patients with folds or deep lines may need a combination of BOTOX® and dermal fillers, such as Restylane® or Juvederm®, in this area.  It is important to use a physician who is highly experienced with dermal filler injections when receiving treatment in the glabella region.  Since BOTOX® is such an effective method of treatment for glabellar lines, most physicians recommend that patients begin receiving BOTOX® treatments before the lines turn into deeper folds or furrows.



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